Rapid php 2016 set up with my web hosting
Rapid php 2016 set up with my web hosting

rapid php 2016 set up with my web hosting

When downloading, ensure you select the ZIP file tagged VC11 x86 Non Thread Safe.

rapid php 2016 set up with my web hosting

When done with the features setting, make a download of the most current PHP Version 5.6 Family. Step 3: Download PHP And Install It On Your System Note that doing this would enable the services of FastCGI and also the CGI. Select the “Turn Windows features on/off” option. In order to do this, navigate into the Control Panel of your system and click on the Programs and Features submenu. Step 2: Include the CGIs Features (For Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 7) This action immediately enables both the CGI and also FastCGI services: Below is a pictorial step to help you. To do this, Navigate to the Server Manager, click on the option labeled “ Roles” and then Click on the Add Role Services. You will learn steps to follow to install FastCGI and set it up to work with PHP.Follow these tips and steps to install FastCGI Extension for IIS 7 / IIS 8 Windows Server: Step 1: Integrate The CGI Role Services This article provides step by step description of how to install PHP on the IIS7 or IIS8 through FastCGI interface. The windows most current PHP 4.4.x and PHP 5.x distribution totally support this FastCGI Extension. FastCGI is a regular protocol which enables a Web Server to interface with CGI executable files of app structure.

Rapid php 2016 set up with my web hosting